Sunday, 21 September 2014


I find it amazing how perspective can change everything. This fact has been highlighted to me very starkly recently and I am now at the point where I would like to share some of what I have learned.

I have always and will always be very positive about the way I was born. You can often find me laughing and joking with my friends about how I can't see everything they can. Then, one day, I sat up and realised that I actually can't see all the things they can - and all of a sudden, what had always been something I found amusement in, hurt like hell. I felt like my world would never be the same again...

Perspective is as simple as that. Two completely opposite ways of viewing one situation. Nothing has changed at all, apart from how you think. The magic of this is that if you can see it in these simple terms, you can change your world at the drop of a hat.

We've all had a week where we can wake up one day feeling like we're floating on cloud nine. Then, for some unknown reason, the next morning, we come crashing down to earth with a thump and suddenly life looks more dismal and hopeless than ever.

It all comes down to perspective. Looking at life through a different pair of lenses.

I have a wide range of sunglasses. The great thing about them is that they help me to be able to see better, (because the sunlight is especially harsh on my eyes) whilst still keeping my cool - or as cool as I can possibly pull off at least! To be honest, I have become pretty self-conscious about the way my eyes look to other people, but along with my hefty amount of sunglasses comes my confidence. Over time, I have realised that you can never completely get rid of the world's rougher side. So, for me, it's more about toning down all those damaging things which make me feel uncomfortable, (physically, mentally and emotionally) and maximising my ability to find happiness in any situation.

With that in mind, I wanted to share some stories from my own life. The good times, the bad times and everything in-between. If nothing else, it will help me to remember that life is what we make it and give me a practical, undeniable documentation of the perspective that, at times, we all so desperately need.

If all else fails, you might simply require a brand new pair of perspectacles!

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